look carefully, you can see the tiny dots on the fringe of his gills. This is a view from the tail looking toward the head. I am having a very hard time getting a good shot of his face. I'm hoping to post one tomorrow. Watching him grow and change I'm fairly certain that he is a salamander and not a newt.
So for now I'm calling him Sal the Salamander, but he could be Ned the Newt next week!
He eats quite a lot and right now he loves "Frog and Tadpole Bites" from the pet store. I love watching him slip out from the under the rocks and eat the pellets. I am amazed at how fast he can gobble them down. He has a very wide mouth, and is able to swallow the food whole. The frog tadpoles are still not opening their mouths and swallowing as much as they are continuing to "vaccuum up" their food.