Saturday, May 26, 2007

Feeding Frenzy

It's true, these sweet otherwise docile tadpoles become mean green lettuce eating machines at feeding time! They attack their lettuce with such a vengeance, twisting, turning and even tearing off pieces. I made a short movie to post but as of right now am not sure how to get it on my blog.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother

I love this pair, aren't they adorable in an amphibian sort of way? I think so, but then I am a proud frogmom.
Just a quick report tonight.
A lot of the tadpoles have leg buds now but I still have seen full legs on just one of the tadpoles. All of them have huge appetites and eat large amounts of cooked lettuce. It's a real feeding frenzy at mealtime!
I'm concerned about the salamanders that hatched three weeks ago as they are still very tiny. I'm not sure if they are able to get enough to eat. I'll have to research that.

Monday, May 21, 2007


This charming tadpole is one of the "new" ones I inadvertently brought home with the plants and water from Josh's pond. As I mentioned earlier, they are tiny, probably a third of an inch at most. Their underside is completely transparent, it's so cool to see their hearts beating. As you can see their eyes are on the outer edges and their mouth has a definite pucker to it. These tadpoles are fast though, I call them little zippers, as they can swim so fast you can hardly follow them.

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In the Light

Today I get a little artsy with the tadpole photo. I love the contrast of light and dark in this
image, and how he sits in perfect balance between the two. Quite a feat.
Whoa, that's deep...

This is one of the "BIG 'UNS" He meausures in at a robust two and three quarter inches. I can understand why after watching him eat.
Honest, I wish my family loved my cooking as much as these guys do!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Big 'O Tadpole

Look closely where his body and tail meet, you can see a very tiny back leg!

This is a closeup of one of  "the BIG UN'S".   It's really strange to me that all of the frog eggs hatched within a day or two of each other, but some of them have grown enormous. They all seem to be the same kind of frog. They have the same markings, colorings and etc. This tadpole is almost 3 inches long, while some of the others that hatched with him remain at about an inch.  All of the tadpoles have voracious appetites, maybe this giant gets more than his fair share! Posted by Picasa